30,000 Toys Delivered to Children in Puerto Rico

Hillwood Airways, a Ross Perot Company, offered the use of one of their cargo aircraft to fly planeloads of toys donated by one of our key corporate sponsors, Hasbro Inc., to hurricane ravaged Puerto Rico. On 20 December a planeload of toys provided by Hasbro departed Dallas making delivery late that day in Puerto Rico. After unloading their pallets of toys, the aircraft flew to Miami and early on 21 December picked-up another full load of Hasbro toys and once again flew to Puerto Rico to make delivery. When the mission was complete Hasbro, together with Hillwood Airways had delivered over 30,000 toys, books, and games to our Reserve Marines in Puerto Rico for distribution to thousands of Puerto Rican children who truly would have gone without were it not for this special mission.

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