Marine Toys for Tots Continues to Deliver a Summer of Smiles to Children in Houston, Texas

Children in need in the Houston, Texas area received hope and gifts – provided by the Marine Toys for Tots Program – earlier this summer through local non-profit, Role Models of America (RMOA). After receiving various games, stuffed animals, arts and crafts, provided by Toys for Tots, RMOA, a Good360 non-profit partner, collaborated strategically with their local nonprofit partners to distribute toys to thousands of children during July and August.

One of RMOA’s nonprofit partners, a ministry called Living Creek Church, serves Spanish-speaking families who experience language barrier challenges that sometimes prohibit them from gaining access to essential items. At a donation event in mid-July, Living Creek Church volunteers met a family who had recently moved to the area. The family spoke limited English and was relieved to find an organization that could communicate with them effectively. The family received toys for their children, whose excitement could be heard through several enthusiastic squeals!

Another partner of RMOA, a ministry called Relate Church, hosted a drive-through distribution event that served 490 less fortunate children in Houston, Texas. One family, a mother and her three daughters, attended the event and needed new clothing and hygiene products. After providing the mother with the resources she needed to keep her household clean and healthy, Relate Church gave each child new toys in addition to the other goods provided. One of the little girls confided in a Relate Church member that she had never received a new toy before and kept it close to her throughout the entire event.

The partnership between the Marine Toys for Tots Program, Good360, and RMOA delivered hope and joy to over 1,000 children and families in need – and provided a Summer of Smiles when they needed it most.

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