Throughout the spring and summer months, the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is providing toys, books, and games to be distributed through Good360’s network of nonprofits across the country to DoGoodNow and deliver a Summer of Smiles!
Agape Distribution is a Good360 non-profit partner located in Sidney, Ohio. The organization dedicates its resources to providing households in their community with essential items such as clothing, hygiene products, school supplies, and more. Over the summer, Agape Distribution hosted two separate events that provided over 850 children with brand-new toys to take home, provided by Toys for Tots.
This year, the distribution events were held in a new, larger location, meaning more children could access a wide assortment of new games, books, and toys. Families were over the moon because the children could keep their own toys.
The first distribution, held in early summer, provided 1,600 toys to 553 children whose families have been hit hard due to the downturn of the local economy. The Sidney/Shelby County Salvation Army was also there to assist with the event.
During the second distribution event, the positive impact for one family was immediate. “When the Jones family arrived at the event, two of their smallest children were bickering back and forth over their parents’ phone,” said Jeff McAtee, Agape Distribution Chief Operations Officer. “When they got to the toy table, one of the kids tossed the phone aside to play with their new toys, which were still in the original packaging. The parents couldn’t thank us enough for helping give their children something that diverted their attention away from a screen.”
The volunteers and Agape Distribution employees helped make this Summer of Smiles event a huge success. This distribution brought joy and smiles to the children of all families. Toys for Tots’ commitment to providing toys, books, and games for children in Sidney, Ohio, allowed them to put down the screens and open their imaginations through play and is just another way that Toys for Tots continues to provide year-round support and DoGoodNow!